State of YieldBay
Yield farmers, ASSEMBLE. An update on YieldBay's plans going forward with more info about what to expect from YieldBay List.
DeFi degens have been lost in dotsama’s sea of information for ages.
We launched YieldBay List last month and have been absolutely overwhelmed by the response we got from the community, with over 1.3k users in a little over a month.
We’re now tracking 70+ farms on 5 protocols across Moonbeam, Moonriver and Karura!!!
We set out to build Yield Bay as the haven for DeFi degens lost in Dotsama’s sea of information and YieldBay List has been the logical next step in that endeavor.
Our goal is simple - building a listicle of all the yield farms from the Dotsama ecosystem. Why? To reduce the information asymmetry which exists in the paraverse.
Yield farming is an incredibly time consuming and agonizing process. The hours and days of research that goes into finding the right farms while jumping across different TG groups and discord servers, following different influencers, watching a million videos looking for alpha which they rarely ever come across.
You tend to miss out on some great protocols and farms. They might be offering the best in terms of value to their community and have a fair reward allocation to liquidity pools but they’re not able to acquire the desired liquidity for their token. We aim to increase invisibility for protocols.
We are currently tracking Stellaswap and Beamswap on Moonriver, Solarbeam and Sushiswap on Moonbeam and Taiga on Karura. We have got many more exciting integrations lined up and soon we’ll be the tracker of all the yields across the Dotsama paraverse.
You can expect to see farms from Solarflare, Zenlink Moonriver, Zenlink Moonbeam, Zenlink Astar by the end of this week.
We have been adding small but significant features to the platform. You can also share a specific farm with your fellow farmers. Just copy the link or share it directly on Twitter.
And if you’re a project building in dotsama’s paraverse and would like to list your token pool with us, we would love to get in touch with you!
What’s more? We have a complete design overhaul in progress for the listicle and we’ll be launching it next week with a few more features.
We submitted a treasury proposal recently which is live on chain and has been converted to a motion. We have 2 ayes and 1 nay so far from the council members. You can check out the proposal here.
We’re always open for feedback and criticism from the community. Join our discord to find fellow chad yield farmers and get periodic progress reports from the team.
In case you haven’t, don’t forget to subscribe to The Bay Journal newsletter to stay up to date with DotSama farms and the happenings in the bay.
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